What a wonderful time on the Cruise and our trip to Florida. We were able to see brothers, sisters, family and friends. Our ship was on the Norwegian Sun and our cruise was from February 11-18, 2012.
See for yourself ! Yea I know !
Sun Cruise Ship |
Our pet |
We departed from Cape Canaveral on Saturday, February 11, 2012 at 4:00 pm. It was a little cool but we were on our way to the Bahama's. The sea's were just a little bit rough crossing the gulf stream but not too bad. We spent the afternoon and evening just walking around the ship trying not to get lost...but we did !
Mr B...Blues Brother ! |
Rick, Sandy and Andy...just got on board |
True Bombachs ! |
Once we got to Nassau, Bahamas it still wasn't as warm as we were hoping, high 60's. The wind was blowing and it was quite cold. We had scheduled a excursion called "Aquadventure", a very large water park, at the Atlantis Resort. The resort is very beautiful...I mean extremely beautiful.! Even thou it was quite cool we decided we mind as well go "since we paid for it"....so off the brave people went! The water temperature in the rides was very warm, I would guess about 80 degrees, but the air temperature was a lot cooler. As soon as we would get out of the water we would have to grab towels to dry off and wrap around us to stay warm. I tried
not to get out of the water....much warmer there ! LOL We departed Nassau Bahamas at about 4:00 pm that day.
Atlantis Resort |
Brent, Andy and Grey |
Uncle Rick and Brent |
Sandy and Andy |
ahhhh ! |
Sister Sandy and brother Rick |
The dudes |

For the next day and half we were at sea and on our way to St Thomas, US Virgin Island. It was getting warmer the farther south we traveled. By the time we got there is was in the high 70's. The sun was bright and warm ! While we were at sea we normally hung around the pool and drank! Well I did ! Otto, Andy's dad, wasn't feeling very well. He took it a little easy but not the rest of us! Sandy and Rick got into the Newlywed Game...they were so funny...and they won ! We shared in the bounty..a bottle of booze! Brent and I got caught up in a show where we were half naked ! We were two of the guys from Village People. They had us half naked and dancing on the stage doing the YMCA ! In front of a large crowd...oh maybe 200-300 people. It was fun and I couldn't believe Brent got out there. Heck I couldn't believe I was out there! NO...I wasn't drunk...didn't even have a drink yet ! Can't say the same thing for Brent though LOL. People would come up to me the entire cruise and say " Hey weren't you that construction guy dancing half dressed to the YMCA !
Newlywed Game |
Doing good ! |
Doing even better |
Winners..now bring that booze over..sharing ! |
Yea I know ! |
The Stud Muffins |
Brent is faster and stronger..took me a while ! |
Why the ole guy with no shirt ! |
The sisters ! |
So cute ! |
I was getting fresh and she slapped me..NOT ! Got you Barb ! |
We normally ate dinner around 5:30 pm then we would go to the show. After the show we would hit the clubs for dancing and fun games. Sandy and Rick were in a few of the games on stage. I believe Rick and Sandy enjoyed this thing called a "Vacation" which they really haven't ever done !
Dinner...where is Preston...can you guess ? |
Again Preston is missing...he is never here ! ummm ! |
Once we got to St Thomas we decided to take a taxi to Coki Beach to spend the day in the surf, sand and sun. Sandy was so dang funny ! She said " hey this water is salty"...dah..it's an ocean! lol So she kept her snorkel and mask on the whole time while sitting on the beach. Silly woman !
St Thomas, US Virgin Island |
Sandy didn't know the water was salty...where has she been ? |
Who are these weird looking creatures..funny noses and mouths ! |
Rick almost died! NO REALLY ! He got caught up in a undertow and couldn't get out of it. Earlier in the day I got caught up in it... but somehow I was able to get out of it. Again, same thing happened to Brent. Brent is a very strong swimmer but I am not ! So when we saw Rick having a hard time getting out of the current Brent and Greyson both grabbed him. They pushed and pulled him out of it. Grey grabbed his shoulders and Brent dived down and push him. Rick was so exhausted and white! It must have taken him 30-45 minutes to somewhat recover from it. Afterwards he said "he about gave up"! I believe him too... because I saw it in his eyes! Of course Sandy was freaking the whole time!. Afterwards we all laughed about it and of course we teased Rick for the rest of the cruise. He was a good sport !
Again, Sandy would not take off that snorkel gear because of the salty water....weird I know ! |
Really Sandy...lol |
Chilling and a relaxing |
Next stop was San Juan, PR. Not a very good place to hang out in the sun. The ship docks right there in a big city. We decided just to walk around and shop and eat. We were suppose to meet Otto by the ships exit point. When we got there... he was already gone! Andy was stressing ! Later that afternoon I found him on a tour! He simply got off the ship and found a tour to take. He was feeling much better by now. For some of you that might not know Otto...he is almost 90 years old and in pretty good shape. I guess he wasn't going to waste his time waiting for us. I think he saw and done more that day then the rest of us! Go OTTO !!!! We departed San Juan about 8:00 pm that evening for another day and half at sea.
San Juan, PR |
Finally found this little rascal ! I think he ditched us on purpose! |
While at sea we mostly hung around the pool and relaxed. Andy and Otto went to the spa. I sat by the pool and drank the booze I was able to hide when we got on the ship. It was the booze I got in Mexico a week earlier. Brent and Grey were doing their own thing most of the time. I believe they found crew members to hang out with. They joined us for dinner nightly and then would hang around with us for the show or something and then "puff" they were gone..lol Brent did dance a lot with his Aunt Sandy though.
opps..candid camera |
Andy and her dad Otto |
He has some dance moves |
Andy smiling from ear to ear ! |
Country line dancing...too many different steps ! |
The last full day on cruise we visited Great Stripp Cay and baked in the sun.
Eileen.our vacation buddy...isn't she cute ! |
Soaking up the rays |
Just returning from a dip and swim. Got wet quick did ya ! |
We had a great trip and it was fun spending time with everyone. It was hard to say goodbye to my family and friends. I am sure I have will remember more stories about the cruise in the next few days. Will add them then.
Click and watch...again I know ..I know !
Andy is back in Portland Oregon for 8 days while I am here in San Diego, California. We will be heading to Yuma and Phoenix at the end of the month after Andy gets back.