This is where we are calling home for the next 7 days. We are on the 8th floor over looking "Olas Altas". We are smack in the middle of the Centro Historico which is walking distance to the ferry for Stone Island and the Cerro Del Creston (lighthouse).
Thought I would try out the infinity pool. Pretty cool...never been in one ! |
We decide to take a walkabout
Coats of Arms of Mazatlan and Sinaloa. |
Mazatleca Woman Monument. |
Have no idea the name of this sculpture ! |
We were just walking down a side street and saw this. Someones front yard ! |
Historical Square. |
Republic Square. |
Not missing her gnome ! |
Inside the Cathedral Immaculate Conception. |
Beautiful ! |
Not sure I was supposed to be taking photos during mass. |
At the plaza. |
Very interesting place ! It is a pool ! High tide fills it. |
Another view. |
As we were walking by...what the hell is he doing up there ? |
Oh ! Now we know ! Watch out for the rocks ! |
Saturday night we walk out the front door and we are in the middle of the Carnaval festivities. Lots of music, vendors and the fireworks. We didn't leave the condo until about 9:00 pm. Andy said it's probably the first time in 25 years she left the house at that time of the night. She actually stayed up until about midnight.
The music was great, even if we couldn't understand a single word they were singing. Everyone was laughing and having a great time. So did we !
Later, when we went to bed, it was like trying to sleep in the middle of a disco. The party went on until 0500!!! The music is so loud you can't even talk to each other in the condo ! Hey...relax... we are in Mexico. We can always sleep later !
As the band plays on. |
Dancing in the streets. Oh yea... drinking too ! |
Every 50 feet or so another band is playing. |
She was pretty much ready for bed before we even headed out,. Glasses on, make up off, surprised she didn't wear her PJ's. |
Spectacular fireworks display. Some of them were out over the ocean and simultaneously some were going off directly over our heads. You could even see the ashes from the fireworks streaming down on the crowd. It was amazing and would never happen in the States !
One of the main events of "Carnaval" is the parade. We are about 4 or 5 miles from where it was so we grabbed a taxi and headed over to the festivities around 1:30. The parade was going to start around 5:30 pm. The taxi's are golf carts. I highly recommend using them. It is very inexpensive. You will get a wild ride dodging cars, motorcycles, people and what ever else can get in your drivers way. Loved it !
Once there, we noticed half of the road was covered in white plastic outdoor chairs. These chairs are lined up for miles and miles. They all look the same ! Who put these chairs here ? Where in the hell did they get so many chairs from the same manufacturer ? How do you get one? Does it costs to sit in one ? If so, How much ?
We walked for awhile until we saw a "Gringo" to ask. He tried to sell us two of his tickets for $26 USD a piece. For that price we will get a white chair and a buffet. We decided that seemed a little weird so we politely declined and kept on going.
After asking a few other people we came across a very nice Gringo couple, Dwight and Kitty. They live here full time. We will see them later this week, maybe for lunch or dinner ! They were sitting with a local Mexican family. Next thing we know we've been invited to join them.
We found out how to get a white chair(s) ! Three or four days before the parade the locals park their car in a parking space. I believe, but not for sure, the morning before the parade you must move your car for the parade and you replace the car with those white plastic chairs, tables and rope off your area. Sometimes, they have to hire a person to sit in their spot if they have to work.
These two people below are two of the most gracious generous people I have ever met. Not only did the offer their space but shared all of their food and beer too. I have heard how friendly the Mexican people are... but I didn't expect this. NOT AT ALL ! They treated us like we were friends for years. They kept offering food and beer. Which I accepted with gratitude. They didn't expect nothing in return but friendship. IT WAS AMAZING !
We talked with them for several hours, of course in English, I don't speak Spanish ! They shared their stories about living in the States and their life in Mexico. We found out they had lived in Idaho for a number of years. They even have a Gringo daughter. Well, that is what she called herself. It was definitely an eye opener to hear the pros and con's from their perspective.
I wish I could have gotten their names and phone numbers because they are people I would have liked to know better !!! Well, I did get their names, I just don't remember them, lol.
Our amazing hosts!! |
This drink is made of tomato juice, clam, and beer ! Nope ! Didn't try it ! |
This was early on in the day before 800,000 people showed up for the parade.
See all those white chairs ! Did Walmart have a large sale or something ! lol |
Before the parade starts, about 2 hours, the sponsors have their own little parade. They have dancing girls and they throw out free stuff to the crowd. I tried but I didn't get anything free ! Dang !!!
Dancing mermaid girls. |
See the free orange plastic cups. Nope I didn't get one ! |
The US Army even had a float in the Parade...they are a sponsor ! Very surprising ! They don't look soldiers I know ! |
They party is just starting to warm up! |
Yea, here is the story! We didn't get to see the parade! Nope ! Since the Parade didn't really get to our spot until after 7:45pm and would last at least two hours we knew we would have to walk the 5-6 miles back while dodging the crowd. The decision was made. Lets try and get a taxi. It took awhile but we got one. We would still be there if we had waited until the parade was over !
One thing that stands out about the Carnaval ! There are a lot of Mexicans here!
I still believe the trip was well worth it even if we didn't see the parade ! We meet some wonderful people I will never forget !!! I know Andy feels the same !!!