We have been back in Portland, Oregon for 2 months. I did take a 5 week side trip to Michigan to see family and check out a business situation while Andy stayed here in Portland. It was good seeing family and friends. Miss them all very much and had a great time !
Silly Man ! ( brother) |
Silly Mans second daughter ! |
Silly Mans wife ! |
Silly Mans grand daughter |
Silly Mans Son in-law.. his daughter above ! |
Silly Mans daughter who is married to guy above ! |
Silly Mans youngest daughter.."Ta Da" Oh really....not good....look below ! |
Silly mans eldest daughter with silly mans youngest daughters husband !..Ummm ! |
Silly mans grand kids from second daughter...not their dad above..lol |
Silly mans daughters |
Another "Ta Da" |
She stole and kept my hat ! Her kids... three photos above ! |
Opps...twins ! |
wow..matching hat and drink..dang your good ! |
Since I was away, Andy decided we
are going "RV'ing Full Time"... ! We just told our families about our plans. They are not to happy about us being gone so long but are excited for us. We also have mixed emotions...excited and sad at the same time! Excited to see old friends, make new friends and see new and exciting places...sad to be leaving family and friends. We do however plan on flying back to Portland, Oregon every so often for a visit.
Andy has already made arrangements to rent out her house and her dog. Yes, I did say "
dog"! The dog goes with the house while they rent it. "They" being Amy...Andy's BFF...lol. Andy is doing now what I did last year. She is getting things organized for the move and getting rid of stuff as we speak. She (we),plan on being out of the house by September 1, 2012. We will not be leaving the Portland Area until around December 2012. I plan on going hunting with my sons in October and Andy, her sister, Tammy, will be going to Andy's cabin in Joseph, Oregon during Thanksgiving. They have been going there during Thanksgiving for years! It is Andy's favorite place in the world!!!
Epinephrine is in the shop, Blue Lake RV, getting herself a few upgrades and some routine maintenance so she will be ready !
Will keep you posted my friends and family.